Sunday, January 27, 2013

What Not to Do if You Want to Win Someone Over to Christ

I apologize for the long hiatus. I'm back. I've been suffering through the loss of family and friends dear to me who all passed away within a month. I saw and felt lots of evidence of God's love and care for me all this while. I just didn't have the wherewithal to continue blogging till now.

Today after church one of the members brought a visitor to meet me.  This woman was introduced to me as a member of the LDS church who was worried about her family finding out that she was looking outside the church. The woman was young and had small children with her.  They were all nicely dressed just like many Mormons are on Sundays, and the woman was smiling.  She had been brave enough to write down her contact information for the church.

This is where I wanted to say all the right things when I should have been listening. I told her I used to be LDS and had just transitioned last year. Then I babbled on in my enthusiasm, even mentioning this blog. I gave her my email address. And I think I killed the conversation with my eagerness. She was distracted by her children and then was gone, meeting other people.

I hope the other people were better with her than I was. I assessed my experience once I sat in my car and realized it would have been better to find out what brought her to our church than to overwhelm her with information. The Spirit taught me something important today and I am grateful.

I hope the next time I meet one of these rare people courageous enough to look around I will ask more questions and listen and put myself on the back burner until I am needed.

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